VpnInit AppleScript: Override and Restore Default VPN-Routes on OS X
Years ago I wrote a small script to restore local default route after connecting the RAS VPN on Windows.
Now, I made up a similar script to do the same on OS X.
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Years ago I wrote a small script to restore local default route after connecting the RAS VPN on Windows.
Now, I made up a similar script to do the same on OS X.
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In diesem Beitrag geht es darum, Cacti Interface-Statistiken auf einem Pirelli Router über den Umweg via SSH zu erzeugen. Dies wird auf bestimmten, kastrierten Pirelli-Geräten, wie sie von bestimmten Providern ihren Kunden zur Verfügung gestellt werden, auch dringend benötigt, da die Geräte den nötigen SNMP-Support schmerzlich vermissen lassen. Das fehlende SNMP Support lässt sich auf diesen Geräten auch mit Hilfe eines Hacks, der bereits seit mehreren Jahren in einschlägigen Foren kursiert, nicht nachrüsten.
Being used to other languages sometime leads to false assumptions, like having the same commands every now and then.
While doing some TCL scripting on a Cisco I just had the need for a ‘sleep’ command or equivalent.
Since no ‘sleep’ exists, the ‘after’ command will do. Just supply it with the timeout in milliseconds, like this for a 10-second timeout:
after 10000
Or, with a bit more overhead, but some may think it’s more readable:
after [expr {int(10 * 1000)}]
Here’s a short script which I use to extract Cisco device-types from SNMP.
Bad enough, most of these devices return their device type ID differently, e.g. sometimes prefixed with an uppercase ‘C’, sometimes without any prefix, then again sometimes we find a suffix.
So here’s a snippet, that makes them look neat, so I can work with simple and unified looking device IDs.
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Personally I stopped working with pure file-based DNS servers long time ago.
Earlier this year I committed an article about BIND-DLZ to german freeX magazine on how to make DNS servers really dynamic.
While I’m not permitted to publish my original article (or parts of it) online, I’m just following it up in some way, as I have another interesting story to tell.
Today I’m looing into DNS zone split-view on top of BIND-DLZ — or in other words: How can my BIND server be authoritative on the public network interface, while be recursive only (thus, ignore any local authoritative zones) on the local network interface?
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A project I’m currently working on involges much Regurlar Expressions trickery to parse values from Cisco’s running configuration.
Here’s how to extract a complete interface block not in ‘shutdown’ state.
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Mac OS X (since 10.5) sports a python environment in it’s default install, which includes a very simple HTTP server.
This may come in handy if you want to serve some files quickly over HTTP, without the need to fireup the full-blown Apache available through ‘Web Sharing Service’.
Don’t believe me? Read on to see how you’ll be up in running in just a few seconds.
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So you got one of these QNAP TS-459 II NAS boxes and want the fancy LCD being permantly backlit?
Here’s how to do it…
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Three days have passed since World IPv6 Day and we’re still here 😉
As of today, some content providers have decided to leave their IPv6 stack enabled on their services, which is generally a good thing.
Now, if you want to know if they site you’re visiting is running IPv4 or IPv6, I’d recommend installing the “sixornot” Firefox plugin, which reveals this at a glance.
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It has finally arrived, the World IPv6 Day!
So you don’t have native IPv6 network access? No problem, just use a Teredo Tunnel to get connected.
Here’s a very short primer on doing so on FreeBSD.
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