Inofficial FreeBSD port for Zend Optimizer Plus

Posted by: gdelmatto  :  Category: FreeBSD, PHP

2017-03-12: A US-based company claims that their trademark is infringed by mentioning the terms “(Zend) Optimizer+ / (Zend) Optimizer Plus” on this page. In context of my writings, the use of these terms are clearly related to the well-known open source software by Rogue Wave Software (formerly Zend Technologies), as released in 2013.

While the contents of this page has become somewhat obsolete, as Zend Optimizer+/Opcache has since been integrated into the PHP programming language itself, the content is left here for reference purposes.

Again: I make it absolutely clear that this content exists as a documentation only in the scope if IT terminology and  a well-known open source software product Zend Optimizer (former trademark).

The use of the term specifically relates to the original product name, including file name references. As a reference, the original commit to the source is linked here.

“Zend Optimizer+” has been rebranded to “Zend Opcache” in the meantime.

While just in the process of doing web-server freshup on FreeBSD, I was caught by the good news that Zend Technologies have released their Zend opcode caching engine as open source.

Now it’s called Zend Optimizer+ and hosted over there at github.

As far as I have seen, it did not yet popup as a buildable port on FreeBSD’s ports tree, but that can only take little time for today.
So I quickly made up my own port which you can download here.

To build it, simply download and extract the file to /usr/ports/devel:

cd /usr/ports/devel
fetch -o- | tar -xzpvf -

Then “make install” as usual:

cd /usr/ports/devel/ZendOptimizerPlus
make install

Afterwards, running “php -i” (or phpinfo from a web-accessible script file) should denote it runs “with Zend Optimizer+ 7.0.0-dev”.

Done 🙂

One Response to “Inofficial FreeBSD port for Zend Optimizer Plus”

  1. Teslina's N3rd Heaven » Alternativer Zend Optimizer Port für FreeBSD Says:

    […] Seit kurzem gibt es einen alternativen FreeBSD Port vom Zend Optimizer. Weitere Infos dazu gibt es auf der Seite von phaq. […]