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When migrating a Virtuozzo VPS from one node to another using vzmigrate one might receive this error message:

# vzmigrate --keep-dst --remove-area no 1001
root@'s password:
Connection to destination HN ( is successfully established
Moving/copying VE#1001 -> VE#1001, [], [] ...
destination '/vz/root/1001' for VE#1001 already exists
destination '/vz/private/1001' for VE#1001 already exists
Syncing private area '/vz/private/1001'
| 100% |********************************** done
Can't move/copy VE#1001 -> VE#1001, [], [] : Starting VE ...
Setting quota ...
vzquota: Running vzquota init failed for VE#1001.
vzquota : (error) Quota is already running for VE#1001, stop it first.

Fixing this involves a little handwork on the destination hardware node.

  1. Check using 'vzlist' if a VPS #1001 exists (should not)

  2. Check if directory /vz/root/1001 exists  and remove it

  3. Check if directory /vz/private/1001 exists and rename it to /vz/private/1001.migrated (deleting the directory is fine too)

    In case you did not run 'vzmigrate' with '--keep-dst' argument, step #3 may be omitted as this directory shouldn't exist then.

  4. Disable the quoata: 'vzquota of 1001 -f' (yes, it will complain, but that's ok)

  5. Try again migrating your VPS to the new node

As always YMMV. It worked for me when running 'vzmigrate' just as shown above. To be honest: This particular error happened only twice for some 50 or 60 VPS's migrated and was likely caused by network timeouts.
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