VpnInit AppleScript: Override and Restore Default VPN-Routes on OS X

Posted by: gdelmatto  :  Category: Networking, Operating Systems, OS X, Programming, Scripting, Utilities

Years ago I wrote a small script to restore local default route after connecting the RAS VPN on Windows.

Now, I made up a similar script to do the same on OS X.

The basic idea, now and then, was that I would not want to send all traffic through the VPN.
Thus the script will assist in restoring your local default route after the VPN connection is established.
Furthermore, it’ll add some specific routes directed to the VPN.

This way, all your usual traffic (internet, surfing, skype, whatever) is sent through your default gateway, while more specific routes (your business stuff) is sent through the VPN.

Below’s the code for the initial release. It may lack some details yet, like auto-detecting the tunnel device name, but it does the job already.

Just copy the code into Apple Script Editor and save it to a convenient location. Make sure you save it as “Application” and not as “Script” (which is the default). You you don’t, double-clicking the script will open the Script Editor instead of executing the script. Surely, not what you want.

Pay attention to the variables on the top, which need to be edited before you save the Script: _vpn_name, _default_gw, _networks, and _sudo_password (optional).
I hope directions are clear enough from the comments sections.

# VpnInit
# ---
# an AppleScript utility to connect your vpn,
# restore local default route and add selected
# routes directed to the VPN only
# thus you'll end up sending only selected
# traffic through the VPN, while the rest
# goes through your local default gateway
# as usual
# ---
# released "as is" under the terms of GPL v2.
# Copyright © 2011 Gianpaolo Del Matto 
# r0.1 initial release 2011/12/29
# ToDo:
# - hardcoding the "sudo" password is a bad idea, maybe
#	need a better way to get away with it
# - vpn tunnel (utun0) is still hardcoded,
#	should be auto-detected

# the name of your vpn connection
set _vpn_name to "My VPN"

# your local default gateway
set _default_gw to ""

# your remote networks to pass via VPN, separate multiple with comma
# like so: {"", ""}
set _networks to {""}

# your super-user (root) password
# actually needed to bypass the prompts
# leave empty to get prompted
set _sudo_password to ""

# ##################################################################
# ##################################################################

# kindly borrowed from
# http://www.macosxautomation.com/applescript/uiscripting/index.html
# make sure that support for assistive devices is enabled
tell application "System Events"
	if UI elements enabled is false then
		tell application "System Preferences"
			set current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.universalaccess"
			display dialog "This script requires access for assistive devices be enabled." & return & return & "To continue, click the OK button and enter an administrative password in the forthcoming security dialog." with icon 1
		end tell
		set UI elements enabled to true
		if UI elements enabled is false then
			display dialog "This script cannot run while access for assistive devices is disabled." & return & "Exiting now." buttons {"OK"} with icon 2
			return "user cancelled"
		end if
	end if
end tell

# now dive into the VPN setup part
tell application "System Events"
	set _if_tunnel to "utun0" #	do not change, will be auto-detected, just giving a reasonable default
	tell current location of network preferences
		if exists service _vpn_name then
			# try to connect the VPN service if it's disconnected
			if current configuration of service _vpn_name is not connected then
				connect service _vpn_name
			end if
			# give it some time to settle
			set _retval to false
			repeat until (_retval) is true
				set counter to 0
				repeat while counter is less than 16
					# exit if we get connected
					if current configuration of service _vpn_name is connected then
						set _retval to true
						exit repeat
					end if
					# opt for exit if still not connected after 15 seconds
					if counter is equal to 15 then
						display dialog "VPN '" & _vpn_name & "' is still not connected after 15 seconds. Do you want to keep waiting?" with title "VPN still not connected" buttons {"Yes", "No"}
						if button returned of result is "No" then
							# bail out if user decided not to wait any longer
							set _retval to true
							# otherwise reset the counter so we can trigger again
							set counter to 0
						end if
					end if
					set counter to counter + 1
					delay 1
				end repeat
			end repeat
			# now go to post processing and to the following:
			# - delete default route via vpn
			# - restore original default route
			# - add specific routes to vpn
			if current configuration of service _vpn_name is connected then
				# restore local default route
				do shell script "route delete default" password _sudo_password with administrator privileges
				do shell script "route add default " & _default_gw password _sudo_password with administrator privileges
				# inject custom routes via VPN
				repeat with _network in _networks
					do shell script "route add -interface " & _network & " utun0" password _sudo_password with administrator privileges
				end repeat
			end if
			# bail out if the VPN service does not exist
			display dialog "Given VPN '" & _vpn_name & "' does not exist. Please check the name"
		end if
	end tell
end tell

4 Responses to “VpnInit AppleScript: Override and Restore Default VPN-Routes on OS X”

  1. Sebastian Says:

    Pretty cool! Thanks for sharing. It solved exactly my problem I had with my VPN 🙂

  2. Stefan Says:

    Great stuff. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Algal Says:

    This is superb.

  4. Algal Says:

    By the way, you can replace the hardcoded initialisation of the gateway with the following line:

    set _default_gw to (do shell script “netstat -rn -f inet | grep -w default | grep -v utun0 | head -n 1 | awk ‘{print $2}'”)

    This detects your local gateway’s address. It works straightforwardly if the VPN is not up.

    However, if the VPN already is up, then it relies on a hardcoded value for the tunnel interface, utun0, and on the assumption that any default route not involving that interface is your original route to your local gateway.